Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Core Exercise: Your body is asking for it!

What is your core and why is it so important?  The core is a group of muscles that functions to provide you stability, strength, and balance.  It is made up of your abdominal muscles, your back, and your pelvis (buttocks, etc.).  It seems like the term is thrown around by those that work out regularly and are in tune with their fitness, but the general public remains largely unaware of its importance.  You don't get a solid core by curling the biggest weights at the gym or running 3 marathons in 4 days.  They don't necessarily show up as the glamour muscles (biceps, triceps, chest, shoulders), but they may be the key to avoiding physical ailments in the future.

Think of your core as the foundation of a building.  You can build nice stairwells, add fancy windows, and throw on a ton of marble. However, if your foundation is weak, it is only a matter of time before everything falls apart.  This is essentially what happens as we age or fail to maintain a strong core.  Most people will develop arthritis in their back, have their back go out on them, become hunched over, or have trouble strengthening other parts of their body.  Even the most highly trained athletes work on their core because it allows them to lift heavier, be more flexible, and avoid long-term injuries.  This is the reason you'll notice some of the most popular workout videos now include core stability.  So pick something you like, whether it is cardio core, pilates, or even just planks to get started.  Here is a website that shows you basic core positions:

Basic Core Demonstrations

If you're looking for a fun cardio core workout, this one is free, fun, and intense:

Cardio Core Home Workout 101

It doesn't matter where you start, but it is important to include a Core workout in your routine.  Most of it can be done at home without any equipment so there is no reason to procrastinate.  And hey, if in the process you end up with a flat stomach or a 6-pack, so be it!

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