Saturday, May 19, 2012

Interval Training to Burn Calories

If you enjoy running on a treadmill, then High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is something you might want to try.  This mode of running was previously used only by high-level athletes but has now become increasingly popular amongst the general public.  It consists of running at an average pace and adding bursts of high intensity running in between.

The benefits of interval training are multifold.  The most popular benefit is the ability to burn more calories.  With interval training, not only do you burn more calories during your workout, but you continue to burn calories for several hours after.  Some studies claim that this burn can last for up to 24 hours.  In addition, you will attain a higher level of cardiovascular fitness due to these intense bursts.  This means that your body will learn to exercise more intensely and likely for even longer periods of time.

So how does High Intensity Interval Training work?  Here is a sample treadmill workout:

  • 5 minute warm-up at a moderate pace
  • Alternate 1 minute of a very hard interval with 1 minute of a moderate interval for 20 minutes.  Example: 1 minute at a speed of 7 mph, then 1 minute at a speed of 5 mph.
  • 5 minute cool-down at a slow pace
If you're like me and not a big fan of the treadmill, then try this on a stationary bike by alternating resistance levels.  Most individuals should start off at slower paces and gradually increase as your body adjusts to the intensity. If you are persistent with this form of exercise, you should find yourself losing some inches around the waist.  Remember to not give up too soon as most exercise forms will likely take 6 to 8 weeks to start producing noticeable results.  Good luck and HIIT the ground running!

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